Dog name ideas- the ruff reality ?
So, you’ve read my previous blog posts (all of them, I’m sure) and you’ve thought to yourself “yeah, I could get involved with all of that.” You’ve thought carefully about ‘how much do dogs cost’ and you’ve considered all of my ‘top tips before you get a dog.’ You’ve made your decision and it’s final, and for that I salute you. Dog ownership just might be for you. Perhaps you’ve decided on a breed (if not, head over to ‘which breed of dog is right for me?’) and maybe you’ve even put your deposit down. But now it’s time for possibly the biggest decision you’ll face… what should you name your new dog? And now, just like I was three years ago, you’ve found yourself googling ‘dog name ideas.’
What should I name my dog?
When it comes to choosing a dog name, the options are endless. Should you go for a human name, such as Dave or Bella? Should you go for the name of a flower, the name of a tree or the name of a season? Or perhaps something more unique, for example naming your new pooch after your favourite book hero or a film character? In my case, I went with alcohol. My mum has always had dogs, and therefore I always had dogs growing up. These were all named after alcohol. We had Shandy and Tia Maria, then we had Murphy after the Guiness, then Bailey and Morgan (Morgan Spiced Rum), then Scrumpy after the Cider. So it felt fitting to name my very own dog after an alcoholic beverage. After scrawling the internet for hours for dog name ideas which involved alcohol, I still hadn’t come up with the right name for our floppy eared girl. ‘Beer’, ‘Merlot,’ ‘and ‘Vodka’ just weren’t cutting it. Then I had a thought… cocktails! Surely there would be an appropriately named cocktail that I could use. I began my search again and kept scrolling passed ‘Mimosa’ and ‘Mojito’ and ‘Bellini’… and then I found it. A Clover cocktail. Gin, lemon juice and raspberry syrup. Perfect. And so… Clover was born.
Top 10 dog names
If were hoping to come to this page for actual ideas, I won’t let you down. Here are the current top 10 dog names for male and female dogs currently according to ‘’
Top 10 girl dog names ?
- Luna
- Bella
- Lola
- Poppy
- Daisy
- Coco
- Ruby
- Molly
- Rosie
- Willow
Top 10 boy dog names ?
- Milo
- Teddy
- Buddy
- Alfie
- Max
- Charlie
- Bailey
- Reggie
- Bruno
- Hugo
BUT… here’s the thing.
Your dogs name literally does not matter. Not one bit. You want to know why? Because you will only ever call your dog by their full name on the day you get them, and possibly when they’re being very naughty. Clover is named Clover. But I don’t call her that. I call her LBD… which stands for little baby dooey. I can’t believe I am actually writing this and putting it out into the world, but I feel like I am not the only one who has weird names for their pets. I would be interested in your comments as to what you call your dog so do comment on this post, or message on our Instagram page.
Clover started as Clover. Then (literally a day after I got her) I started just calling her ‘puppy.’ Puppy changed to ‘Poopy’ very quickly, and from that came ‘Pooey.’ Then I started calling her ‘Pooey Dooey’ and then just ‘Dooey.’ She’s always been my ‘little baby’ so ‘little baby Dooey’ started and then LBD for short. This is now her name. She has other nicknames over the years such as hippopotapig, baby hippo, hips (short for hippo of course) and I often just call her ‘baby girl’, ‘princess’ or ‘little nugget.’ There was also a phase of ‘Dippy Dooey’ and that turned into just ‘Dippy’ which occasionally slips out. My point being, none of these names are remotely close to the name Clover. So, whilst you may agonize for weeks over what to call your new fluffy bundle of joy, take comfort in that fact that it doesn’t matter anyway. Even if you pick a name and hate it two months from now, you won’t be calling your dog by that first choice anyway.
If you missed any of my previous diary updates, you can find them at ‘the diary of my ruff reality.’
Alternatively, head to ‘nobody warned me about…’ to read about the dog ownership topics that I wish someone had told me about before I got Clover.
Thinking of getting a dog? Visit my ‘top tips page’ for important things that I probably should have considered further before buying my floppy eared hound!
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*Disclaimer- I have no animal related qualifications whatsoever. Which begs the question as to exactly how much of my advice you should take. This isn’t really an advice blog- not properly. It’s more of a ‘these are my experiences- maybe we can all learn from them’ type of blog. You should probably seek actual qualified veterinary/animal behaviourist/dog dietician advice if you genuinely have any dog related concerns. I’m just here to share the things I’ve learnt in my three years of dog ownership. Some of which may be useful- some not.*
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