The ‘ruff’ reality of dog ownership
A true insight into the day to day adventures of dog ownership
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So, why have I bothered to write a blog about dog ownership?
No, it’s not just because I’m an obsessed crazy dog lady (although it kind of is!). But truthfully, I just want to help.
Dog ownership is HARD. Like way harder than I ever thought it would be. When I got Clover I really wished there was some sort of page that encompassed important information about dog ownership so that I could have been fully prepared for what I was letting myself in for.
There wasn’t anything like that available, no real life tales… without the rose tinted glasses. No list of things to think about before dog ownership, nothing available to let me know, truthfully, how much having a dog would cost.
Well, guess what folks… there is now! So read on, if you like. I’ve put together all the situations and real life experiences that Clover and I have had over the last three years.
All the battles, all the hard work, all the ups, all the downs and everything in between. If this blog helps even one dog owner, then my work here is done.No, it’s not just because I’m an obsessed crazy dog lady (although it kind of is!).
Meet Clover
I’d like to start off by saying that although a lot of this blog involves negative (yet true!) dog ownership experiences, I would like to stress that Clover is my world.
She has totally changed my life and I absolutely could not be without her. I had longed for my very own dog for my whole life and, after waiting 27 years, Clover has exceeded all expectations. She is everything I could want in a dog- and so much more. Clover has taught me a different kind of love to that which I have ever experienced before. She has taught me to be patient, to slow down and to be more selfless. Her needs go before mine, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I realise that she is spoilt, and that will become apparent within this blog. I don’t try to hide the fact she is spoilt- she is the dog I’ve been waiting for my whole life so why wouldn’t I give her everything she needs and more?! Saying that, I have done my best not to ‘baby’ her and we still very much have boundaries in place. For example, she doesn’t sleep in my bed… but her cosy cage which was once her home at night changed into an entire bed of blankets under the stairs… and now she sleeps in the spare room (on a double bed!).
Despite the fact she is a princess, she has turned out pretty darn perfect. Clover is energetic and sociable and she loves other dogs and children. She sleeps through the night, doesn’t get car sick, is independent enough to be left alone when need be for a short while, comes back when she is called (mostly!) and is a generally well behaved dog.
She is also ungrateful, demanding, tiring, extremely stubborn, has selective hearing… and she doesn’t even look like a ‘proper’ frenchie!
I have no animal related qualifications whatsoever. Which begs the question as to exactly how much of my advice you should take.
This isn’t really an advice blog- not properly. It’s more of a ‘these are my experiences – maybe we can all learn from them’ type of blog.
You should probably seek actual qualified veterinary/animal behaviourist/dog dietician advice if you genuinely have any dog related concerns. I’m just here to share the things I’ve learnt in my three years of dog ownership.
Some of which may be useful- some not.