Things nobody warned me about
I literally cannot tell you the amount of times during my three years of having Clover that I have stopped and thought ‘nobody told about this’ or ‘I hadn’t considered this when I bought Clover’, or ‘this is much harder than I thought it would be.’
Truthfully, I wish someone had warned me. I wish I had considered the bigger picture more and I wish I had been prepared for exactly what dog ownership would entail, and just how hard it would be.
I wouldn’t change Clover for the world. She is my best friend and I couldn’t love her anymore if I tried. If I could go back in time three years to before I got her, I would 100% buy her all over again… I’d just make sure I was more prepared. I’d probably find an insightful and honest blog written by a real life dog owner which would inform me and prepared me for all the dog ownership things that I need to know… and it would probably make me a better dog owner… maybe.
Two things to consider before you get a dog
Two Things to Consider Before You Get A Dog Take a look at the photo. That’s Clover less than an hour after I got her. You can see the attraction of buying her… or any puppy for that matter. A cute, perfect, innocent puppy… right? Wrong. No puppies are innocent, it’s just not in their […]
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Dog flea and worming treatment- My ruff reality
Every three months I go and collect the dog flea and worming treatment…and then Clover and I go into battle.
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Nobody told me my dog would be weird
Shandy was our old family dog. A lovely golden Labrador. He passed away many years ago. We loved him so much but there was no denying he was weird
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Nobody told me how guilty I would feel
You’ve heard of the phrase ‘mum guilt’ before, right? Allow me to introduce you to ‘dog mum guilt’… because let me tell you, it is absolutely a thing.
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Nobody tells you how much a dog will ruin your garden
Will a dog ruin my garden? ? At first, the above photo is a lovely glimpse of Clover doing what Clover enjoys the most… bathing in the garden. It is literally her favourite activity. As soon as the sun is even half out… BAM, she’s out in the garden basking like a seal. (Well, she […]
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Does my dog love me? Nobody told me that my dog might not love me back
Nobody told me that my dog might not love me back…? Nobody told me that, throughout dog ownership, I would constantly be asking myself ‘does my dog love me?’ I would love to say that the above photo taken of Clover was during a moment of her looking at me with pure adoration. In reality, […]
4 min read
*Disclaimer- I have no animal related qualifications whatsoever. Which begs the question as to exactly how much of my advice you should take. This isn’t really an advice blog- not properly. It’s more of a ‘these are my experiences- maybe we can all learn from them’ type of blog. You should seek actual qualified veterinary/animal behaviourist/dog dietician advice if you genuinely have any dog related concerns. I’m just here to share the things I’ve learnt in my three years of dog ownership. Some of which may be useful- some not.*