A diary of my ‘ruff’ reality
In my head this page is filled with regular updates of hilarious stories about Clover that I have to share with you all. In reality, I probably won’t have that many things to write about.
Dog ownership is amazing, rewarding, heart warming and the best thing I’ve ever done. It is also extremely hard and it can also be mundane. So, rather than writing constantly about mine and Clovers days (which all largely consist of two walks together and then lap cuddles), I will instead only write when there is something to tell, when things get hard or when things are particularly great.
Hopefully this way I won’t bore all three people who are reading this (thanks by the way!), and instead it will prove useful content which shows the highs and the lows of owning a fluffy little best mate.
Dog Cruciate Ligament recovery-month one- my ruff reality
Clover’s Cruciate Ligament Recovery- month one.
4 min read
Dog Cruciate Ligament Disease- My ruff reality
I had never heard of Cruciate Ligament Disease before that vet visit. I was blissfully unaware and thought that the biggest issues I would face with Clover would be a bad tummy from time to time.
4 min read
My ruff reality- The Vet Saga
Our trip to the vets? I don’t know what I expected when I took Clover to the vets. I knew I wouldn’t get answers straight away, and I knew that she wouldn’t be fixed instantly… but I still felt disappointed when the vet told me they didn’t know what the problem was and that Clover […]
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My ruff reality- Injured leg week… take three
Injured leg week… take three? Truthfully, I can’t even remember where I had got up to previously with this. Those of you who have read my previous posts injured leg week and injured leg week take two will know that Clover’s back leg had been injured because she was chasing a Husky. She was running […]
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My ruff reality- sorry we’ve been sleeping
Sorry we’ve been sleeping… The sad reality is that there will likely be a maximum of two people who have noticed that my blog posts have stopped (thanks Mum and Dad!). We (Clover and I… i.e, just me) haven’t posted since the start of October. I’ve been wanting to write more posts… I LOVE writing […]
4 min read
The ruff reality of dog gatherings
The weather stayed kind to us and we looked forward to spending a relaxing few hours together in the garden, drinking wine whilst the pups played. The whole experience was very relaxing and went exactly as planned… oh wait, no… it didn’t.
4 min read
*Disclaimer- I have no animal related qualifications whatsoever. Which begs the question as to exactly how much of my advice you should take. This isn’t really an advice blog- not properly. It’s more of a ‘these are my experiences- maybe we can all learn from them’ type of blog. You should seek actual qualified veterinary/animal behaviourist/dog dietician advice if you genuinely have any dog related concerns. I’m just here to share the things I’ve learnt in my three years of dog ownership. Some of which may be useful- some not.*